• College Basketball Deserves our Respect

    January 20, 2020 by

    Unpredictability is characteristic in sports; it’s often what makes them exciting in the first place. We are drawn to the unexpected and moments that make us question, “Did that really happen?” College basketball breeds unpredictability. The sport’s unpredictability phenomenon is widely known come March, but its relevance all throughout the season is hardly acknowledged. College basketball is a fantastic example when it comes to the essence of sport itself. However, the problem is not enough people recognize it.  My strife is with the people who tend to disregard college basketball in favor of the NBA because college players are simply not as talented as NBA players. The NBA is a far cry from its peak in the early ’90s where… Read more

  • The College Football Playoff Needs to Change

    November 25, 2019 by

    Since the moment it was instituted, the NCAA’s College Football Playoff has been a success. Fans have rejoiced, teams have benefited, and advertisers have profited immensely. It has been a massive step-up from the Bowl Championship Series that only considered the top two teams in the country. That changed once the four-team bracket was finally put into place five years ago, creating an exciting alternative that would alter the college football landscape forever. In light of this success, questions have arisen on whether the Playoff can get any better. The College Football Playoff can be better. Let’s start with the biggest problem: parity. The Clemson Tigers and the Alabama Crimson Tide have dominated the tournament; in three of the past… Read more

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